大好評「初代」のプラモデルテクニックガイドシリーズの第3 弾!
●ベーシック〜目的のために〜 ゲートにまつわるエトセトラ、作ること 組むこと 嵌めること
●ドキュメント〜ディスカバリー号製作72時間〜 (実践!合理的に組み立てる)
Plamodel Technique Guide 3: "First Generation" Construction Practice Edition.
This highly popular series of Plamodel Technique Guides continues with its third volume, which focuses on providing specific construction techniques for model building.
Starting with the manufacturing process of plastic parts and how to properly adjust and refine them, the book goes on to cover adhesive knowledge and practical applications, as well as challenging the reader to try their hand at snap-fit assembly without the use of adhesives.
With clear diagrams and photographs, this guide offers a new perspective on techniques for enjoying model building to the fullest.
Other topics covered include cutting, grinding, and sanding techniques, as well as assembly and fitting tips, making it an indispensable guide for beginners and experienced model builders alike.
"Always: The Plamodel of Bad Kids" - Cutting Edge Techniques!!
"Basic: For the Purpose" - Et Cetera Regarding Gates, Building, and Fitting
"Documentary: Building the Discovery in 72 Hours" - Practical, Efficient Assembly
Released on April 28, 2023.
128 pages, 2,310 yen (tax included).