《1071》プラモデルテクニックガイド2 塗料と塗装の基礎知識編Plastic Model technique Guide2 : Basic Paints and Painting
従来のテクニック本とは一線を画した「プラモデルテクニックガイド 工作基本編」の続編が登場です。今回は塗料について、その歴史と科学を解説。さらに塗装の基本技術を機材から塗装術まで、「初代」が図解や表で徹底的に掘り下げていきます。本当にエアブラシ塗装の基本をマスターしたい方におくる、塗料と塗装の疑問に答える必見の1冊。
■CATEGORY 1 塗料の歴史について1
History 1 塗料の大元は水彩塗料
■CATEGORY 2 塗料の歴史について2
History 2 意外に大きい日本の影響
■CATEGORY 3 塗装の道具材料編1
Lecture 塗料とはなんであるか!?
■CATEGORY 4 塗装の道具材料編2
Lecture コンプレッサーについて
■CATEGORY 5 塗装の道具材料編3
Lecture ハンドピースについて
■CATEGORY 6 塗装技術編1 塗装の概念
Lecture 実践的な塗装理論
■CATEGORY 7 塗装技術編2 塗装テクニック
Lecture 塗装の第一歩
B5判 頁数128(オールカラー)
Plastic Model technique Guide2:
Basic paints and painting
A new installment in the series, this guide delves into the history and science of paints, setting itself apart from traditional technique books. From materials to painting techniques, "Shodai" thoroughly explores these topics with illustrations and charts. This essential guide answers all your questions about paints and painting, perfect for those who truly want to master the basics of airbrush painting.
CATEGORY 1: The History of Paints 1
History 1: The Origin of Paints - Watercolors
CATEGORY 2: The History of Paints 2
History 2: The Surprisingly Significant Japanese Influence
CATEGORY 3: Painting Tools and Materials 1
Lecture: What Exactly Is Paint?
CATEGORY 4: Painting Tools and Materials 2
Lecture: About Compressors
CATEGORY 5: Painting Tools and Materials 3
Lecture: About Handpieces
CATEGORY 6: Painting Techniques 1 - The Concept of Painting
Lecture: Practical Painting Theory
CATEGORY 7: Painting Techniques 2 - Painting Techniques
Lecture: The First Step in Painting
Released on September 16, 2021
B5 size, 128 pages (all color)