《kse-45》 アメリカ空軍機の塗装とマーキング 1945-現在 パート 1
U.S Air Force Aircraft Paint & Marking1945-now part1

型番 4910123200422
1945-現在 パート 1




A4判 144ページ 定価2,970円(税込)

U.S Air Force Aircraft Paint & Marking
1945-now part1

Exploring Post-1945 U.S. Air Force History Through Colors

Illustrations and Commentary by Yoshinori Kono

This book showcases the paint schemes and markings of U.S. Air Force aircraft from the immediate post-World War II era to the present day, using detailed illustrations and rare photographs. Each illustration and photograph is accompanied by thorough explanations. The content covers not only regular operational aircraft but also includes numerous examples of prototype and commemorative paint schemes. It can be considered a retrospective of post-World War II U.S. Air Force history through paint schemes and markings. Part 1 focuses on fighter and attack aircraft. This book is not only a valuable reference for model-making, but also a delightful visual journey in its own right.

A4 size, 144 pages,

Price: 2,970 yen (including tax)
Released on March 28, 2022
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