1/700 Scale Ship Modeling: Practical Techniques Guide

型番 4910123200453







004:艦船模型の基本工作 戦艦 扶桑 アオシマ1/700
020:日本空母の製作テクニック 空母 翔鶴 タミヤ1/700
046:エッチングパーツを盛り込んで作る航空戦艦 伊勢 フジミ1/700
062:日本空母独特の迷彩を再現したい 空母 千歳 ピットロード1/700
076:日本空母の迷彩を筆塗りで再現するテクニック 空母 瑞鳳 ハセガワ1/700
088:開放式格納庫を再現 空母 USS ヨークタウン(CV-5) トランペッター1/700

B5判 112ページ

1/700 Scale Ship Modeling: Practical Techniques Guide

The Latest in Ship Modeling – Build, Paint, and Master the Craft!
Packed with practical techniques and reference materials for 1/700 scale warship models!
Step-by-step visual guides for building popular battleships, aircraft carriers, and cruisers.
How does detailing the anchor deck enhance the overall look? Can structural details break the monotony of a ship’s hull? What’s the key to achieving a realistic bridge? How can you easily replicate the unique camouflage of Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carriers? This comprehensive guide reveals expert techniques to take your warship modeling to the next level. Additionally, real warship photographs provide instant visual references. Featured builds include Kaga, Taihō, Kongō, and other popular ships—making this both an informative and visually engaging book for warship modelers!

Basics of Warship Modeling – Battleship Fuso (Aoshima 1/700)
Techniques for Building Japanese Aircraft Carriers – Carrier Shokaku (Tamiya 1/700)
Enhancing a Hybrid Battleship with Photo-Etched Parts – Aviation Battleship Ise (Fujimi 1/700)
Recreating the Unique Camouflage of Japanese Carriers – Carrier Chitose (Pit-Road 1/700)
Hand-Painting Japanese Carrier Camouflage – Carrier Zuihō (Hasegawa 1/700)
Reproducing an Open Hangar – Carrier USS Yorktown (CV-5) (Trumpeter 1/700)

Release Date: March 27, 2025
Format: B5 size, 112 pages
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