《1129》プロに学ぶ プラモのトラブル解決術Q&A
Learning from Experts Series:Troubleshooting Q&A

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プロに学ぶ プラモのトラブル解決術Q&A





● 細かなパーツが見えにくくなった!
● 銀色はどう塗ればキレイに仕上がる?
● 接着剤を挿したらパーツが割れた!
● エアブラシでありがちなトラブルの解消法とは?
● 仕上げ用の接着剤が使いにくい!
● シルバリングってどんな状態?
● リターダーの有効な使い方を教えて!
● 合わないカウルをバチピタに組みたい!
● ジオラマはどうやって作るの?
● 褪色と汚れで、使い込まれた機体を表現してみたい!
● 迷彩塗装をカッコ良く筆塗りしたい!
● 美少女プラモのアレンジを楽しみたい!
● 手摺りをつけた船体はどう塗り分ける!?

B5変形 144ページ
Learning from Experts
: Troubleshooting Q&A

Sample page available here!
※Model Art Official note

Understand the Mechanisms of Failure and Success, and Equip Yourself with Preventive Measures!

"I want to complete the plastic model I bought without any mishaps!"
"I want to challenge new materials and techniques to achieve a better finish!"
These conflicting desires might be eternal themes for modelers. In this book, we explain general techniques and provide solutions to common problems that occur during plastic model construction, illustrated through example projects.

Parts Becoming Less Visible!
How to Paint Silver for a Clean Finish?
Parts Cracking After Applying Adhesive!
Common Troubleshooting Methods for Airbrushing?
Difficulty Using Finishing Adhesives!
What is Silvering?
Effective Use of Retarders!
Fitting Unmatched Cowls Precisely!
How to Create Dioramas?
Expressing Worn-Out Aircraft with Fading and Weathering!
Making Camouflage Painting Look Cool with Brush Techniques!
Enjoying Modifications of Pretty Girl Plastic Models!
How to Paint Handrails on Ship Hulls?

Released on February 21, 2024
B5 Format, 144 Pages
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