《1083》メタリック塗装 攻略のメソッド《1083》 Method Series: Metallic Painting Techniques

型番 4910087340424
メタリック塗装 攻略のメソッド



そんなお悩みを抱えている方、ワンランク上の模型に仕上げたいというアナタは必見の一冊「メタリック塗装 攻略のメソッド」が発売中です!


・塗り重ねが〇!? 真逆の発想で深い輝きを

・タミヤ1/48 ノースアメリカン
 P-51D マスタング
・タミヤ1/24 トヨタ GR 86
・タミヤ1/72 川崎 三式戦闘機 飛燕I型丁
・ハセガワ1/12 カワサキ
 500-SS/MACH III( H1A)
・アオシマ1/24 トヨタ MF10 2000GT ’69
・フジミ1/20 マクラーレン
 MP4-27 オーストラリアGP
・エデュアルド1/48 MiG-21MF


Methods Series:
Metallic Painting Techniques

From Preparing Parts to Applying Base Coating and Paint Techniques: An Overview

For those facing concerns like "It's not shiny enough!" or "The paint looks uneven!" – if you aspire to elevate your model-making skills to the next level, then "The Metallic Painting Mastery Guide" is a must-read, available now!

To achieve a dazzling silver finish, this guide delves into crucial aspects such as surface treatment of parts and painting techniques.
It explores the outcomes of using different silver tones on the same airplane model, the remarkable effects of water-based silver paints, and much more.
With a focus on both aircraft and car models, numerous practical examples are provided.
From engine nozzles to track painting variations, even intricate detailing is covered.

Topics Covered:
Should chrome-plated parts be used as-is or repainted?
Enhancing the brilliance of exposed metal surfaces
Weathering techniques that preserve the metallic luster
Layering for impact! Achieving profound radiance through innovative approaches
Unleashing the potential of water-based paints for stunning silver effects
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